6 Weeks to A Fitter More Fabulous You -Oakley M Frame Sunglass

Week 5 Plan: Believe and you shall succeed! By week five, your perception of your fitness level and program will make the difference between dwindling efforts or momentous physical and emotional results Oakley M Frame Sunglass. Incorporate some mental conditioning into your routine.

Prepare: Visualize how you want to look and feel. Visualize how your body will move when you exercise. Get down to the details of how you will breath, what your energy level will be like. Imagine the power in your legs, the efficiency of your heart and lungs, the natural endorphins rushing through your body and the sense of accomplishment you will feel by staying the course. Take Action: Have rewards ready whenever you reach a milestone in your training. They can be as small as savoring a healthy meal at your favorite restaurant, taking a hot bath after a workout or treating your self to a new music tape, heart rate monitor or workout Oakley M Frame Sunglass gear. Week 6 Plan: Focus on a balanced plan. Up until now you should have been incorporating cardiovascular and strength conditioning. This week include flexibility training for a more comprehensive plan. Prepare: If you are not familiar with stretching exercises, consider a beginner yoga class or videotape. Allow for 10 minutes at the end of each exercise session to engage in total body stretching. It will leave you feeling renewed, with improved posture and a sense of well being. Action: Use your stretching time to clear your mind and heighten your body awareness. Breathe deeply and naturally, allowing your body to completely relax. You hold the greatest power to change your body. Its never too late to Oakley M Frame Sunglass positively or negatively affect your body through the choices you make. Each morning you have the option to break through any limitations and obstacles, and be open to lifes possibilities. Being physically fit will also help you maintain better balance in other areas in your life. You will notice that when you are exercising regularly, you will naturally begin to make healthier selections,Oakley M Frame Sunglass manage stress better and potentially reduce chronic aching muscle pain.

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